16 December 2008

Moving in this Saturday (For Real!)

Some people had expressed a willingness to help us move in. I just wanted to let you know that we would really appreciate anyone's help this Saturday. Don't worry, you won't show up and we'll be sitting on the couch with nothing packed! Also, there are no pianos or heavy things like that; there are some stairs, however :-). Just let us know if you can make it and thanks in advance.

Monti and Becky 403 647 4109


Shea said...

I don't know what we are going to do. Should we stop at your house or just go on to mom's? I don't really want to stay over since you'll be all in transition. Should we stop and say hi? I'll talk to Ryan. I want to see the house though and it seems dumb not to stop since we'll be driving right by.

Chelle said...

Congrats you guys. Moving sucks but now you get to REALLY enjoy the fruits of your labor! Your house looks awesome. You did done good.